These are pdf copies of actual tests and quizzes given by me since 1969 at Bowling Green State Univ. for Calculus. I taught calculus just about every year. MATH 131-231-232(quarters) and 131-232 (semesters) form a one-year sequence of 5 credit hours each, and MATH 233 is the next quarter (4 cr hrs) or semester (3 cr hrs) course. These are NOT for student use. Please do not give them this address. If I find that happening, I will move them. These are for instructor use ONLY. They are really the keys I used in grading. Consequently these 'solutions' are not fully written as I would expect students to write. Just for my own use. However the answers are guaranteed to be correct, since about 30 students have 'checked' each of them. So these can be confidently used to write review sheets with answers. That is mostly what I used them for, as well as a basis for new tests. See the review problems document in the folder. Note that I put the answers at the end; I try to put them upside down, but my software at the time doesn't always make that possible. There may be many near duplicate problems (or even exact ones if I was short on time or ideas). There are many notes to myself which you may find useful: number of students who got each problem correct, time used, corrections, etc. Also the types of questions I asked may prove interesting. My practice changed a little over the years. Towards the end I had fewer hour tests and more long-form quizzes (what would fit on 14 in. paper- 20-25 min.)). Usually 2 tests, a comprehensive final exam, and 7-10 quizzes. The quizzes were my way of not grading homework, which I do not think is fair (checking is one good thing, but actual grading ..., and I just did not have the time), and a way to keep students working. The quizzes are once a week, usually Friday. They often have homework problems (or close) on them. More routine ones. A sort of drill. From the last week or so. I tell them the sections covered. I have Q&A for about 20 minutes on the quiz day, then allow them the rest of the time for the quiz. There was some homework assigned the previous day, but I only asked easy problems on that material. No homework assigned over the weekend. I could grade the quiz by Monday, and I gave out a detailed solution sheet, a more careful version of my key, including average scores. We briefly went over some problems, I made remarks about points that I had noticed. And then on to new material. Pretty time-efficient. The quizzes were 30 points each and I only kept the top 5 scores. No makeups. 150 point total. There was some effect on the course grade, but the main thing was for them to be checked and corrected, often. The hour tests are more comprehensive, made them consolidate ideas and concepts, I did much less routine calculation. We had already done that. I gave them review problems from the book a couple of days before, and we had time to go over some. There was no new material assigned the second day before the test. The tests were usually on Monday. Some of the reasoning was to allow students who worked to have the weekend to study, and I wanted them to have a couple of days to study. I did not give a quiz the Friday after the test. I was careful to tell them sections covered on the test. The final exam was 2 hours, and comprehensive; but with emphasis on later material, especially since the last test, which was weeks before. The total weight of the final was equal to a test (100) or double if that helped the grade. Of course the totals were adjusted to be comparable. (They worry about that.) One other note. In the last couple of decades when we were using graphing calculators, I would put a box on a graphing problem about the shape of the calculator window. I expected them to find a proper window, and they could copy the contents of their window to the box. Some questions were based on the this graph, such as where is the function increasing. It is revealing how many people will get this wrong. See 131-F97-Q7.pdf. I hope this helps you in your work. Feel free to contact me. Thomas Hern