Lee Christiansen's Bio Page

So your asking yourself: "Who is Lee Christiansen?" A fair question, I shall attempt to answer.

I'm 46 years old. I live in a small town in north west Ohio where I work for the local telephone company.

I am married to a wonderful woman, Susan, and have a daughter, Meghan(12).

This information, no matter how revealing, doesn't go far in telling you who I am. for that you must explore my hobbies and other interests.

My Hobbies

I am an ordinary person with an extaordinary hobby. I enjoy the middle-ages so much that I have become a part of them. I have done this by becoming involved in an organization known as the Society for Creative Anachronism, SCA. for short.

We are a group of people who re-create the better parts of the society of the middle-ages. There are those among us that make armor and weapons, then fight with them in the same way as they did in medieval tournements.

I enjoy the rigors of rapier combat, such as was practiced in the later half of the 16th century. This was the origin of modern line fencing.

Many of the crafts of the time are recreated by our artisans. Chief among these are calligraphy and brewing, as well as sewing, cooking and just about anything else you can think of. I have recently tried my hand at making mead, a medeival honey wine.

As well as medeival history I am interested in Celtic, and in particular Scottish history.

I have Scottish blood from my mother. Her maiden name is Stewart. As a result I like to go to all the local Highland Games. I don't participate in the athletics, but I do wear the great kilt such as it was worn in the 16th and 17th centurys.

Other Interests

Besides re-enactment I also enjoy gaming. I have been meeting with the same group of friends for more than fifteen years now.

We play a large variety of games, ranging from card games,(such as Hearts and Euchre), to stratigic war games,(such as Axis & Allies and Shogun). We also play the dreaded AD&D as well as that evil card game, Magic the Gathering.

In addition to gaming I am also very interested in flight. I spend a great deal of time with Flight Simulator for Windows95. I have become a fairly accomplished pilot, at least on the computer.

I prefer fixed wing aircraft over rotories. My favorite are WWII Aircraft. They were the hight of technology for high performance,prop driven aircraft.